07800 522724 bob@carling.org.uk

5m Publishing

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5m Publishing (now 5m Books) “works with authors to create sustainable agriculture, animal health and welfare literature, in book form and via various websites”. Here are some examples of articles written by me:


thefishsitelogoThe Challenge of Shrimp Diseases in Asia (PDF)


New Research Challenges the Effect of Sharks,
Rays on Oyster and Shellfish Industries

thefishsitelogoFat Fish Illuminate Human Obesity

thepigsitelogoControversy Over Chinese Scientists Creating
Micropigs (PDF)

thepigsitelogoUsing Pigs to Root Out Nutsedge (PDF) (which
included a quote from Genesis’s “Get ’em out by Friday’!)

thepoultrysitelogoHow Can We Value the Natural World?